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Access Statement

We aim to provide the highest standards of service to all our guests and we look forward to welcoming you to the Chesford Grange Hotel and making your stay an enjoyable one. Please ensure you let us know when making your reservation you require a mobility impaired room as some of our Manor House rooms are not accessible by lift.

Directions to The Chesford Grange Hotel are available by calling 01926 859331.

As you arrive at The Chesford Grange Hotel, you will find 650 parking spaces of which 6 are reserved for blue badge holders. These are located to the left of the hotel's main entrance and in front of the event centre entrance. There is also a turning circle located directly outside the main entrance for dropping off and picking up only. There is a level, paved route from the disabled parking into the hotel where the main entrance has an automatic opening door.
If you need assistance with luggage or equipment, our staff is on duty 24 hours a day.
The Reception desk is located on the ground floor of the hotel in the entrance lobby. The reception desk is 115 cm high although check-in can also be completed whilst sitting at a lowered desk at the right of reception which is only 74cm high. 

You will be offered a personal check-in service with a full explanation of the hotel's facilities together with a familiarisation tour if required. Assistance is available to help take your luggage to your room.
Reception staff will also brief you on our evacuation policy and please note on your registration card if assistance is needed in the event of an evacuation.
The following accessible aids are available at Reception:
Portable Induction Loop for use at Reception
Vibrating Pad to assist waking guests with hearing disabilities in the event of a fire alarm
An evac chair is also available to enable staff to assist with the emergency evacuation of a disabled person, if necessary.

To the right of the main reception a corridor will take you to our lifts to all floors for bedrooms and leisure club.

In the event of fire alarm activation these rooms have both a sounder and a visual flashing light. In the event of an emergency a member of the team will assist with your evacuation if necessary. Fire evacuation advice is provided on the back of your bedroom door.

If you would like to specifically book one of our access rooms please contact our UK call centre on 0845 034 5777.

Bedroom Inclusions:
Transfer space and turning of at least 120cm on either side of the bed
Short pile carpet
Tiled flooring in bathrooms
Reading lamps provided
24 hour room service
Wheel-in-shower and wall mounted drop down seat with grab rails
Horizontal and vertical grab rails and emergency cords

Public Areas
There are minimal steps or slopes on the main corridors and public areas on the ground floor.
All the restaurant, bar and lounge facilities at Chesford Grange Hotel are located on the ground floor making them easily accessible.  All lifts have audible enunciation and tactile buttons at standard height.  Accessible toilet facilities are located in the Grange and Event centre.  There is fair network coverage for mobile phones within the hotel.

Conference, Banqueting & Meeting Rooms
Our meeting rooms are located across the hotel and event centre and are fully accessible from Reception. Some meeting rooms are on the first floor and can be easily accessed.  The Shakespeare meeting rooms can be accessed via lifts or staircase. 
Hearing loops are available upon request in advance. Lighting can be dimmed where required.
Please notify your conference or banquet organiser for specific seating or staging requirements.
Accessible toilets are located in the Grange and Events centre. 

Health Club
We have leisure club facilities however extra assistance maybe needed.

Outdoor Facilities
The decked area can be accessed via the river room. There is a Patio area outside the leisure club providing seating and shade. 

Alternative means of transport
If your not travelling by car, the nearest bus stop is just a 5 minute walk from the hotel entrance and the bus routes from here take you to Coventry, Kenilworth, Warwick, Leamington or Stratford.
An accessible taxi service is available from reception who can be contacted on 0 or 500
The nearest train station is located in Leamington Spa or Warwick Parkway which is just a short drive from the hotel.  This would cost approximately £10 by taxi.  The town centre Kenilworth is just 20 minutes walk from the hotel entrance.

Contact Information
The Chesford Grange Hotel
Chesford Bridge

Telephone: 01926 859331
Email: [email protected]

Local public transport numbers: Stage coach X17
Local accessible taxi numbers: Airport Express 01926 512221